Platform interface overview

The Planet Microbe home page ( gives an overview of the project phase, aims and main components. At the top of the home page, the navigation bar allows the user to access the main components of the Planet Microbe platform.

Documentation tab

At the top of the home page screen, the user can access the present documentation using the "Documentation" tab.

"Help" button

The "help" button on the right corner of the home page allows the user to contact the development team for any comments or to get help with the platform.

"My account" tab

Clicking on "My Account" tab, the user accesses the information on their Cyverse account and their their username.

"Browse" tab

An overview of the various marine metagenomic projects integrated in Planet microbe are accessible through the "Browse" tab.

The Download button on the top right corner of the browse page redirects to our FTP access point to the datasets available in Planet Microbe and their annotation.

"Search" tab

The Search page is the main search interface for the samples integrated in Planet Microbe.

"Analyze" tab

Planet Microbe offers the possibility to run computational tools on the datasets integrated in the project or user datasets in the cyverse datastore. This requires the users to create a Cyverse account to run the tools, manage their datasets and visualize the analysis results.

Last updated