What is CyVerse?

The iMicrobe platform relies heavily on CyVerse for authentication, cloud storage, and app deployment/execution. CyVerse is a free-to-use, open source NSF-funded project committed to providing cyberinfrastructure resources to the life sciences.

Among CyVerse's offerings are the Data Store, a cloud storage resource, ... FIXME

CyVerse federated cyberinfrastructure through the Agave API to access XSEDE compute resources at Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) including Stampede2 that provides scientists access to over 18 petaflops of compute power (Figure 1). Importantly, iMicrobe can plug-in to any compute resource or data framework using this integrated architecture to collect and aggregate data from multiple locations or scale compute resources.

This infrastructure makes it possible for users, armed only with a web-browser, to explore highly connected ‘omics data using complex queries. Moreover, they can apply these services to their own data, and access community developed and driven tools and compute resources. This modern framework can be employed by outside developers to create front end applications for alternate data visualizations and integration through the iMicrobe API.

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